Publication Date:
Last Update:
Current Version: V1.0
CVSS v3.1 Base Score: 8.0
Affected Product and Versions Remediation

All versions < V3.3

All versions < V3.3

All versions < V3.3

All versions < V3.3

All versions < V3.3

All versions < V3.3

The vulnerability classification has been performed by using the CVSS scoring system in version 3.1 (CVSS v3.1) ( The CVSS environmental score is specific to the customer’s environment and will impact the overall CVSS score. The environmental score should therefore be individually defined by the customer to accomplish final scoring.

An additional classification has been performed using the CWE classification, a community-developed list of common software security weaknesses. This serves as a common language and as a baseline for weakness identification, mitigation, and prevention efforts. A detailed list of CWE classes can be found at:

CVSS v3.1 Base Score 8.0
CWE CWE-613: Insufficient Session Expiration
CVSS v3.1 Base Score 7.5
CWE CWE-306: Missing Authentication for Critical Function

The update of SIMATIC MV500 devices to V3.3 also contains additional fixes for vulnerabilities documented in the following Siemens Security Advisory:

Refer to the corresponding link for further details.

V1.0 (2022-07-12): Publication Date